Finanzkrise: John Hoefle: The World’s Choice: Suicide By Banker, Or A Return To Bretton Woods (en)




New Bretton Woods

Lyndon LaRouche has called for a new Bretton Woods conference to deal with this crisis. A key element of the new Bretton Woods agreement would be a revival of the FDR-inspired fixed-exchange rates among national currencies. Fixed exchange rates not only promote stability in the financing of international trade, but they would also end the ability of the British Empire to manipulate currencies for geopolitical reasons, and for merely venal ones.

The fixed-rate system stabilized the world from 1944 until 1971, when President Nixon took the dollar off gold, a move which opened the world to an invasion by British speculative capital. Since that time the nations of Ibero-America have been reduced to virtual debt slaves, hit with combination blows of high debts and devalued currencies, leaving their populations devastated. In the U.S. the economy has operated at a loss every single year over the last four decades, as our ability to produce what we consume has deteriorated, and we have gone deep into debt to cover the growing shortfall. Now our financial system has collapsed, and in the final indignity, we find ourselves bailing out the criminals who destroyed us, while we are left without the funds to rebuild our economy and restore our productivity.

The solution to this crisis, as Lyndon LaRouche has repeatedly insisted, is for a return to American System economics in the U.S., and the convening of a new Bretton Woods conference to steer the nations of the world back into progress and prosperity. However, we must be clear on what we mean, as the British and their agents are also calling for a new Bretton Woods, for purposes diametrically opposed to ours.

The 1944 Bretton Woods conference was a battleground between the policies of Franklin Roosevelt and the policies of the British Empire. FDR wished to use the conference to lead the world out of the ancient imperial system, with its looting and colonies, and said as much to an apoplectic Winston Churchill. The Brits had their own view, wishing to use the conference to restore their empire. At the time, the British Empire had been severely weakened by two world wars, while the U.S. was stronger than ever, with unquestioned industrial and economic might. FDR prevailed over the British and the world benefitted, but the British neither forgot nor forgave, and are today trying to use the financial crisis as a lever to force a new, global monetary system in which finance dominates nations. In their typical sadistic duplicity, they are themselves calling for a new Bretton Woods, with every intention of prevailing this time around.

That is no problem as long as we understand the issues, know what must be done, and are willing to take the lead in advocating the American System. The world will forgive the United States its recent transgressions if we abandon our Anglophilic heresies and return to our founding principles, but the world will never forgive the British Empire for what it has inflicted upon mankind, and for the new horrors it has planned. As LaRouche observed recently, Britain will soon become the most hated nation on earth, as the effects of its bailout scheme and other plans become more clear.

It doesn’t have to end that way, of course. We can still save the day, and as we rebuild the world and revive civilization, perhaps even one day we can even civilize the British, and induce them into joining the modern world.


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